My Confession

The problem with most blogs is the inconsistency of their writers. It's not necessarily a space between entries issue, that happens--life happens, and I'd hope that time off the blog, time with people, is viewed as more important than writing a blog. No, the inconsistency I mean, is that people's brilliance comes few and far between. This happens all the time, including with myself. Even Martin Scorsese makes mistakes, just look at Shutter Island. So there's got to be a reason to keep coming back, like why you would want to subscribe to a magazine, or a newspaper. You know what to expect and sure, some times it's hogwash, but other times it feels like work from a master, even though it's only an editorial by Stephen King.
The blogs that survive and carry weight are the ones that carry a purpose, a guiding theme, a voice that is attractive and entertaining, but also deep and insightful. I'm not going to claim to have any of that, but I will do my best to avoid unnecessary rants and to be honest and somewhere along the way provide some level of insight into why I view stories as the sustaining life that gets us through the days and begets tradition and legend through generations.
From the good, to the bad, to the embarrassingly ugly, we all have a story and we all partake in others' stories. We read, we watch, and we play video games, all rooted in stories. We devour comic books and blogs and magazines that catch us up on American mythology, other people's lives and world's beyond our own. We invest hours into television shows that hold our attention with their deep characters, their suspenseful plots and/or their hilarity. All things that point out that it's really just a story in video form.
I think that we've come to understand stories mainly as tales told through written form and lost sight of the fact that with the advances in technology and the changing of times stories are all around us, and most importantly, we are each living a story.
From garbage stories to grand stories, we all crave them. We may crave different ways of getting the stories - some prefer books over movies and visa versa - but the truth is that we pay a ton of money every year to hear, see, and experience stories.
I guess what I'm driving at is that I am addicted to stories. Every venue has its perks, has its own set of changes that allow me to become fully enveloped in the story it's telling. Whether it's a movie that hits my visual button or just a book that sucks me into a zombie like state where my imagination takes over, or even a video game where I get to partake in the action of the story being told, I love stories. I obsess over stories. I fall asleep thinking about stories and their meaning and I wake up thinking about what stories I'm going to experience today.
All I want to do is talk about stories. To write about stories. To write about my story and how I experience other stories. To give people who are creating crappy shells of a story a piece of my mind, and to hope to find redemption in the process.
Let us go then go then, you and I to a world that recognizes the importance of stories...